Saturday, February 5, 2011

Legacy Project Update

On Friday, we began researching our topics at the library. The field trip was a success- it was a beautiful walk down Wilshire, and the library had many resources that students were able to use.  I'm proud to report that we received compliments about the class from the librarians.  The students worked diligently on researching, and in the process, encountered some of the pitfalls that have plagued us all- not enough information, a too-broad topic, prioritizing information for note-taking, etc.  I'm proud to say that students demonstrated the ESLR of perseverance throughout the research process, and worked through these challenges admirably.  

The goal for the field trip was for all students to have selected a topic and written research notes that they can use for their paper.  This week in class, students will be organizing their information in categories, and will begin a pre-write by outlining the information.  Oftentimes, when it's time to begin writing, researchers encounter gaps in their information or new areas to research.  This week, we will be discussing how researching is an on-going process, and it is likely that students will need to continue researching their topics as they begin their pre-writes.    

Finally, I added some grades to the online gradebook at  The following was collected and graded:

  • Reading Log and Closing Paper (this is a double-sided handout- each side is graded separately)
  • Reading Notes Ch. 27 (There is 1 sheet on Athens and 1 sheet on Sparta)
  • Character Traits Handout (This was classwork on Wednesday)
  • Character Credibility Handout (This was done in class on Friday)
One challenge that we are having is putting our names on our work.  Of the above assignments, there were 35 "No Names", which means that 35 students who worked hard to complete an assignment have had it counted as missing.  All of the "No Name" papers are in a red folder that students are free to grab and look through.  There are currently over 50 papers in that folder!  

If you or your child would like access to the online gradebook, please email me at so that I can set that up for you.

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